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We are always happy to hear from anyone interested in joining the lab. Contact Prof. Anreiter directly with any questions, expressions of interest, or applications. Our lab fosters a welcoming, collegial, and diverse community.  If you are interested in a career in science, but are unsure if it is for you (for any reason), please reach out. You can find general information of how to join the lab below, and open calls for post-docs, grad students, and undergraduates will be announced here. If there are no open calls, we are still happy to answer questions, talk about the application process, and discuss potential future options.

Open calls

We currently do not have open calls.


We always welcome applications from Postdocs interested in the lab’s research. You can also contact me with your own research ideas. Specific funding opportunities within the lab’s ongoing projects will be announced here. Otherwise, I will support your application to external funding programs.  Some available programs are: NSERC postdoctoral Fellowships (permanent residents, and protected persons that are within 2 years of completing their PhD), CIHR Fellowship program and Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships (domestic and international applicants), UTSC Postdoctoral Fellowships (domestic and international applicants), U of T Provost’s fellowships (for Black and Indigenous researchers, both domestic and international).

Graduate students

The lab welcomes applications from MSc  and PhD students interested pursuing a graduate degree in behaviour, genetics, and/or molecular biology. Graduate students will have to apply and accepted into one of the fully funded Ecology and Evolutionary (EEB) or Cell and Systems Biology (CSB) graduate programs at UofT.  I am able to accept applications for the MSc and PhD program from domestic applicants (Canadian citizen or permanent resident) through either EEB or CSB. International applicants need to apply through the PhD program in EEB. Which program you apply to will depend on your interests, your background, and your graduate research project.


If you are interested in joining the lab as a graduate student please reach out directly to Prof. Anreiter.  Feel free to ask any questions about graduate school and the lab as a first point of contact. If you decide to officially apply I will need you to send me: 1. transcripts (unofficial copies are fine); 2. CV/Resume; 3. a brief description of your relevant experience, your plans for grad school and beyond, and why you are interested in our lab; 4. two reference letters.


There are several different ways undergraduates can get involved in research in the lab:

  • Paid work-study positions. These are a great way of getting some experience concurrently with your undergraduate course work. Work-study positions generally are available for 5-10 hrs/week during the Fall/Winter or Summer semester.  Domestic and international students are eligible as long as you are actively enrolled as a UofT student for the duration of the work-study contract. Positions available in the lab will be posted through CLNx, but feel free to reach out in advance if you are interested in applying. Find more information, including eligibility, about the work-study program here.

  • Research courses for credit. I am happy to advise students for any of the undergraduate research courses offered through the department of Biological Sciences (find offered courses here). If you would like to work in the lab toward a credit research course offered through a different department please contact the undergraduate chair of that department first to confirm eligibility.

  • Summer research fellowships. NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs) are merit based awards which allow undergraduates to engage in research full time during the summer (May-August). These are more demanding research opportunities, both in time and skill, and usually some prior experience in the lab is required.  If you are interested in applying for and holding a USRA in the lab, get in touch early (ideally by the end of January). Find more information, including eligibility, about USRAs here. Note that although USRAs are for domestic students only, there are usually a few equivalent fellowships offered in the form of UTEAs open to international students. If you qualify for all USRA requirements except the nationality requirement you can contact me about an UTEA. I can only support USRA/UTEA students enrolled at UTSC, if you are enrolled at St. George or UTM please contact labs at your home campus for opportunities.

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